A Person Humming

Morgan Hobart is a sound artist that uses organic textural sampled processes and rythmic synthesis to create abstract and spatial environments. He has done work scoring films, animations, conceptual fashion pieces, and experimental dance works. Sampling from a wide array of feild recordings, spanning from time spent in India, Morrocco, and all across the US, he has performed works in various galleries and performance spaces in Boston, San Francisco, and Portland Oregon. His last work "Lullaby," a collaboration with video artist Carl Lind and vocalist Fern Cappella, will be screening in the December show of Craig Baldwin's Other Cinema in San Francisco. Born in Southern Mass, he graduated with a BFA from the Studio for Interelated Media at the Massachusetts College of Art. He then went on to help do soundwork for a documentary in India with Projectile Arts, a Brooklyn-based non-profit organisation. Since then, he has recorded a collection of Gnawa music in Morocco, as well as a number of solo electronic works, and is currently residing and collaborating with a number of artists in Portland, Oregon.